C. and I had a lovely fika, in a part of town where I can not avoid my addiction to pocket monsters, but she did not begrudge me my twenty minutes of distraction. We then went to the Dansmuseet museum. I was attracted by the paper costumes but I have to say the permanent collection was interesting, and I wish I had gone sooner.
If I don't write a bit about the last two weeks, I am sure I will only recall a blur. I went back to government Swedish classes. I am attending via a different "school" or I suppose a better word might be "contractor" but they all fall under the heading (and supposedly direction) of 'Swedish for Immigrants" aka SFI (said, S, F, Eeee).
I do not know anyone who has successfully navigated their way through this system, well I do not know of anyone personally, but I have heard rumors.
I would vent here, but I do not need too, because a perk of being 'in town' each day, (honestly as the sun rises)- is that class finishes early and I usually have a 'fika' date. This does mean, that I am perpetually tired (up too early, and unable to fit in actual exercise). But I have had a nice time visiting with, and seeing friends. If I was a little less tired I might work up some guilt about eating a cinnamon roll, each school day. Also, I love them.
Signing up to SFI was inspired by my 'emergency' dental appointment...that was followed by a two week wait for another appointment, which was a bit of a debacle due to my lack of Swedish-so I spent the 5 hours (along with some excellent company- my dear friend S. who oddly likes this type of errand)- and in the end there seemed to be no correlation between time spent there and my placement in the actual school. I spent 9 days to get into my actual 'test score' level. I picked the school based on the available schedule of 9 am -until 12:30 Monday-Thursday, but when I got to the school, the times are 8:15 am until 11:45 Monday through Friday. Sigh. But I am not giving up yet.
I could write about the culture clashes, the group dynamics that always seem to be some cliche mix that is ready for prime-time T.V., and the fact that the school is on the ugliest street, in the ugliest building I have ever seen since coming to Stockholm.
Here is a random tunnel I felt the need to explore.
If I hadn't gotten lost I wouldn't have seen it...and if I hadn't walked through it, I wouldn't have known where it led...so I am taking this as a sign...to stick with SFI a bit longer.