I read that in there are central areas such as Sergletorg in Stockholm that have a normal traffic flow of 60,0000 people passing through on an average day. At this time of year there are a lot of festivals; Stockholm Day, Gay Pride, the Culture festival all with events happening in the squares of any given area. My host here in Stockholm will often try and compel me to take part, even if he himself isn't attending. I suppose that it is his voice I hear in my head as I notice my reaction to a square filled with people is to make a quick turn away from them. Does this show some lack of adventure within my personality make up?
I could have stopped into Stureplan where there a band playing, but I could see from their imagines rendered up on a huge video screen that honestly I had no interest.
I was on my way to the central library. Yes, while a whole city was partying, my desire was to go to the library. I am able to go into a crowd when I have a purpose but I don't understand when people can do this with the purpose of meeting other people.
I have lived for a few years now in Tasmania and no one has ever stopped my in the street. This is noteworthy to me because anywhere else I have ever lived being stopped in the street is a normal occurrence. I don't mean being asked for directions, help, or to take a photograph for a group of people, that sort of occurrence is just a by-product of living in places that have a tourist trade. (Although, even this doesn't happen to me in Hobart which is a tourist destination.) I love to give directions or take snap shots I believe in my habit of superstitious thinking that this increases my karmic points for when I am need of the same services.
No, I am talking about a person stopping me because they think I am someone else. When I was younger this was usually followed by the follow up question of 'Are you a singer/in a band/ an actress' sort of line. Of course that sort of conversation sheds a bit of suspicion on my looking like the sister/ex-girlfriend/work associate, but now that I am (ahem) older I have noticed that the type of person stopping me has changed. They are men that are a bit older (okay I suppose they are my age), here in Stockholm by example this last week I've had three men stop me; Marco (from South America) Elian (from Romania), and Stefan (born in Sweden) all thought me a 'work associate' but the quality is different, as in 'you look like a girl I work with at the airport'.
Is this an example of my upcoming 40s? No longer is the idea of my being an actress/singer/band member plausible, and now I work at the airport? What image am I presenting to the world? Or is it that I have ceased to care enough to present anything, that I would rather go to the library than be a part of a street fair, that I wear converse because that was the practical shoe choice.
Am I to believe that I am so common looking that really I look like all these other women? I am constantly looking at people and perhaps my self-image is askew but I have never seen anyone that looks like me.
Could it be that these random men are hitting on me? Do I need a flashier wedding band? If these men are hitting on me then let me tell you I need a new look because if I did need a man I'd be unhappy with my options.
Perhaps by leaving the crowd (herd) and becoming a strangler (lone gazelle) I attract men by the stereotypical look of weakness; some girl wandering alone on a side street. Being alone I am the easiest prey ambling along.
I was actually lost when Marco started talking to me, and he was able to set me straight which allowed me to actually get to the library, I credited this event to the Swedish woman that I helped with her directions on the bus the day before.
1 comment:
OOh this is a first for me! Hi Col - Its Andy from Hobart.
Where is Zok? Are you still in daily contact cos you sound a little lonely still. I think you can attract attention anytime you want but it doesnt seem to be often your main thing.
Hope you are feeling happy and have good contact with someone today.
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