Friday, October 17, 2008

42 degrees South

I am so happy to be home that I've been bouncing off the walls, waking up early enough to make Zok fairly irritated the rest of the day...
Today is a bit windy, cloudy, and under sixty-degree F, so I am giving Zok a break. I didn't wake up until 9 a.m. and didn't get him up until 10:30 a.m., unlike day one and two where I made him get up before 8 a.m. I spent most of today unpacking and trying to transfer information from my old computer to this new computer.
The garden is of course, a mess. I fear for my Gardenia plant, and my new 'China Pinks' are all but dead. I have heard that there was little rain this Winter, but with a lot of frost. One corner that I dug out in May has plants that made it through, but the other corner looks awful, the new plants as well as the man fern are dry and shriveled. On the upside, there are a lot of small apricots coming on, and the nectarine tree looks okay even though we weren't here to spray for 'curly leaf'. Here, I will only be showing high lights not low lights. Zok and I are going to the Saturday market to look for locally grown plants and also to the flower show for some replacements. Our neighbor Sue has put together a display at the show which I am excited to see. I am taken aback at how pretty the scenery is where we live. Also how mellow, currently the only sounds I can hear is some flock of birds being harassed by two Kestrels overhead. (I did try to go into the water already but it is still too cold.)

1 comment:

Monte Means said...

I can't believe I'll get to see you and your Tasmanian garden in just about three months - can't wait!