(At Andy's party I met a woman named Elizabeth Daley, who besides being lovely is apparently very smart and she compiled a field guide to Tasmania insects; I thought I was the only one who wondered about them but now I know that I am not. I was so happy to find someone else who felt they needed to know about the strange flies that have fly wings and bee bodies, and don't even get me started on the damselflies...
If are able to look for the book, it really is fascinating, I am asking Santa for a copy)
I met Andy through a short course I took to learn how to use the 4WD on my Jeep. The course was fun actually. The best part of the class was meeting Andy who has a large, nice family who all seem perfectly content to be in the same room together. He has recently finished renovating the house he lives in. The house is located 'in town', and by Australians standards is a comparable to living in a San Franciscan Victorian. As you see the turkey is on the BBQ, but then what else would you expect from an Australian Thanksgiving? Today I am tired out, I get a bit hung over from interacting with so many people after being around so few. I tend to talk myself hoarse, which is good only in the fact that then people stopped commenting on the 'cartoon' quality of my voice tone.
If are able to look for the book, it really is fascinating, I am asking Santa for a copy)
I met Andy through a short course I took to learn how to use the 4WD on my Jeep. The course was fun actually. The best part of the class was meeting Andy who has a large, nice family who all seem perfectly content to be in the same room together. He has recently finished renovating the house he lives in. The house is located 'in town', and by Australians standards is a comparable to living in a San Franciscan Victorian. As you see the turkey is on the BBQ, but then what else would you expect from an Australian Thanksgiving? Today I am tired out, I get a bit hung over from interacting with so many people after being around so few. I tend to talk myself hoarse, which is good only in the fact that then people stopped commenting on the 'cartoon' quality of my voice tone.
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