Zok is in Melbourne today, and while I do not in any way envy the 40 degree Celcius (104 Farenheit) heat he is dealing with, I am seriously envious of the fact that a Platypus gnawed on his hand! (Zok stated that the bill was rubbery and the teeth, were tiny and sharp, but not painful).
I thought perhaps I sounded a bit dismal about Sydney so I am also posting a photo of myself on the ferry to show I was not really so miserable.
I thought perhaps I sounded a bit dismal about Sydney so I am also posting a photo of myself on the ferry to show I was not really so miserable.
is sanchez in reference to the mustache?
I named the moustache 'Sanchez' back when he first came out with it-well after I stopped laughing (about an hour of laughter).
He grew it just to show off to his friends who were having trouble growing anything beyond a pencil thin version.
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