Friday, September 4, 2009

"Ain't no grave gonna hold me down"

No skating yet.
I am out farm way, just past Zok's childhood suburb, part of Greater Melbourne, (although quickly this land is becoming developed). I have been hanging with little people and watching the sky, which here always has something going on, racing clouds, flocks of birds, changing colors.

I had the chance while walking to visit Zok's Mom to stop by my favorite small church. Officially the church is part of 'historic Thomastown' and just a block from where Zok grew up.
My walk was done in fine, bright, spring weather but as with all Australian weather that I have been party too, that weather changed to a storm which could be seen rolling in from the horizon. Quickly, the weather went from too warm for wearing my sweater, to wishing I had an extra sweater, and a raincoat.
Melbourne is pretty flat, and if there were not all the signs of habitation, one would feel they could see to the end of the continent.
In spite of building and endless power wires, the weather is ever visible on the horizon.