I have been busy almost every minute since getting to Stockholm.
The league is starting a new intake of fresh skaters.
Plus there are bouts coming up and many hours of practice.
Also a small group of skaters started Jam skating practice.
There has been a little bit of snow.
There have been some warm sunny days.
Small spring flowers like crocus, snow drops and daffodils are blooming.
Before Wednesday night practice, I helped a few derby girls move.
They are living in a crazy big, fancy house.
Out on Vinterviken, which was once the site of Nobel's factories.
(inventor of dynamite, gift of the Nobel prize)
There is also a book and movie named Vinter Viken.
I love getting to see places in Stockholm I have never seen.
The owner left some interesting choices behind, a photo of the King and Queen of Sweden (in one of the four bathrooms), a large painted family portrait, bits of furniture; including a grand piano.
Five roller derby skaters will be filling up this beautiful house, and the rest of us might just help out to take up some patio space when summer arrives.
Two of the bedrooms are easily the size of my living room.
We moved two of the girls out, one had a handy elevator to help with moving her boxes.
This weekend is our Roller Derby Bout (B team) in Göteberg.