Sunday, April 28, 2013

"...your never going to know me now...but I'm going to love you anyhow..."

The final month at home- so we are trying to arrange the garden for winter.

Zok pulled out the last of the rhubarb and covered his vegetable beds with weed matting.

We did the same for a different purpose in the back corner where I have never yet been able to control the onion weed.  For the most part I let the weeds alone.  I don't want to use poisons to control them so I dig out the ones that are really strong like Dandelions.  I let some just die back and return.  Some days I just feel like weeding and I sift them out.
The problem is that to put weeds in your compost it has to be really hot.  So winter isn't a good time as we aren't here to keep the compost properly layered.
During the summer I take the weeds which have light not deep roots and put them in when I put in grass clippings as that always heats up the pile with its nitrogen release.
You can also bag them up and leave them in the sun which kills them off, and that is mostly what I do but then I still take them to the tip compost which is much, much larger than ours.
Mostly Zok and I are just hanging out because he leaves for work soon, and then we go to Sweden- rinse, repeat.  

I made some BBQ sauce from the last of the Rhubarb.
Zok was pretty amazed that it tasted and smelled like BBQ sauce.
I had my first disaster- a jar breaking during the final boiling process.  !

I used an American recipe- normally I would have cut down on the sugar, but I like my BBQ sauce sweet and I sort of needed to use up the brown sugar as we are leaving and it will be one less item to put into a storage container.


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