Saturday, May 18, 2013

" are not the only choo-choo to be left out in the rain..."

My favorite thing about blogging is that I can look up where I was in previous years.  Also- even though I rarely believe anyone is reading besides myself and Zok (when he is away)- my writing is better than when I was younger because I edit myself for an imaginary reading audience.  While my journals are in truth frenetic, and lacking in details.  When I glance back to the early 1980s, most of the time I do not know about whom I am writing.  "Dear teenaged self, you will know many boys named Josh, trying adding in a last name occasionally."

I recently went back through the 'May'(s) and found that 'Star Trek' came out in May of 2009, and now May of 2013 the second one is out.  In 2009, Zok and I went to the 'Gold Class' cinema for the first time.  Gold Class is a Zok thing, not a Colleen thing.  My perfect cinema being that strange, roofless, outdoor cinema we found in Croatia, or any Alamo cinema, or even our independent local here.  But of course I am happy to go along as Zok does the same for me.
Our ticket prices were about nine times what I remember paying for a matinee as a kid, and and seven times what I paid as a young adult.  Amazing.
Apparently our gold class cinema now runs a 'classic' movie one a month, at the low low price of $30 a ticket.  The ticket seller looked stumped when I asked if the print was digital or not.
We leave for Sweden in two days.  I have had a sudden panic that I should have cleaned out my closets in a more thorough manner.  I did move shoes and clothing to vacuum but did I completely empty out, wash, and air out the closets? NO! I did not.
I try to be very casual on the rare occasion that someone asks what it is like to go back and forth - to leave homes empty for long months- but truthfully the experience has a certain amount of stress.
I have only conceded on having 'two' of a few things- such as hairdryers.
I mean I can not have two complete sets of make-up- this like food, spoils.

I agonize over which jacket will go with the most outfits, the same goes for shoes.
Although I started a small bookshelf in Sweden, I long to take about twelve kilos of books with me.  I will however, only take one.  Then I will agonize a bit about leaving it behind in Sweden when I return.
I wish I could take my massage table (ha! remember that old gem? Me the masseuse?)- I really, really want to take my portable 45 player and my favorite 45s.
23 kilos in luggage allowance seems like a lot until you think about packing for months.

Once again I have had about a month of winter but not the deepest or darkest month of winter- and now I return to spring.


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