Thursday, March 27, 2014

"So, let me count the times that we swore and lied. That we'd tie ourselves to the railway line. Now, let me count the times when of course we lied Well we know no better it was no crime."

Sure, a person could look at these photos and just see any of the millions of photos put out onto the internet- but these drinks are actually snapshots of catching up with friends.They are snippets of us spending time at a certain place. A place that someone we know likes to go- maybe they go all the time, or they only remember to go when they have an excuse.
These stops are respites among the drone of travel, of traffic, of conversing in terse tones about which is better a map, a knowledge base (albeit outdated) or the dreaded gps (you see where my allegiance lies...).
They are testimonies to the fact that sometimes social media actually leads to real social interaction and connecting up with people, once friends, or work colleagues or a bit of both - who have lost touch and yet are in that moment are crossing paths, and taking time out to catch up.

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