Friday, September 12, 2014

Solna Strand Tbana Konst Blå linje

I decided to go ahead, and in an organized fashion, go to the end of the Hjulsta blue line.  I do go out this way, as there is a good neighborhood to go thrift store shopping.  But of course when I go shopping I never make it past that stop and I wanted to spend more time in five of the stations.
One of which, pictured here has had a name change.
I was unimpressed with the new signs, and now I am recommitted to going back to the one station I know has original signs.

I thought I would throw this one in quickly as all I could find was platform art, but unlike many of the other stations with just platform art, this one has the block cloud theme all the way down the platform.
However, when I went all the way out, (there was only one exit) the only other piece I saw was a plain dark cube all the way outside the station. I was unsure that the cube was connected.
Upon reflection... as I type, I realize that the plain cube of course was under the blue (alas cloudless) sky, and the cubes way down underground, are all painted with sky.  I think I just found the connection.


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