Wednesday, February 18, 2015

" charge of all things beautiful..."

I just had my third trip camping (in a tent) and my second volunteer trip to Maria Island.
The group of people have so much history and knowledge I feel lucky to get to talk to them all.
I heard stories about living under Apartheid in Africa in the 1970s, learned one member can speak Afrikan, heard stories about growing up in Fiji, learned a lot about native plants, especially Tasmanian wildflowers.  I got tips on hiking/camping and going on the 'Overland Track'.

I looked out one evening as we were walking back to camp and I could see dolphins leaping out of the water, while I was standing amongst many wombats and there were kangaroos visible on the next hill.
I also saw the re-located (insurance population) devils, well I saw two and these days that is pretty amazing.
I swam in the ocean and I didn't miss having a hot shower (well, maybe a little).

I took down a tent all by myself.
I survived high winds and lots of rain.
Weeding was Minuet, Scottish and Californian thistle.

Tomorrow I am off to Melbourne for what will be a completely different trip, full of people, cars, airplanes, and rock bands.


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