Sunday, August 14, 2016

"So you have someone new I don't blame you We would all do the same as you If ever we had the nerve to..."

I think a lot about what I would call 'wasted chances', I suppose this line of thinking is as close as I get to the idea of regret.
Perhaps as I am fortunate to keep accumulating years, I strive to refine who I am, and how to express who I am- and what I think is important.
Another quality to getting older, is when I think back on a time period, I have to line up the person I was with the person I am now.
Even, if this is something circumstantial.
I often wonder why I did not spend all my time with my friends, especially when I was lucky enough to end up living in the same city as them-but of course, at that time, I worked more than one job, or I had a job that was always the priority, and quite honestly there were no boundaries, not even a set lunch hour.
I suppose these days I might try and over-compensate for that (read: overwhelm, smother, talk to incessantly until they try to run)
Luckily, they seem to survive- and I get to store up happiness.
Even though I talk more than I listen I get a lot of information, I fill in blanks, I get an idea of what their lives are like so I feel I can more 'authentically' use social media.
*Some photos 'borrowed' from K.

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