Thursday, October 1, 2009

"It don't rain anymore I go outdoors where it's fun to be "

I woke up besieged by this overwhelming feeling of dejection, due to last nights practice session. I want to think "Well, she is just not unaware of how mean she is being, (or sounding) and therefore I should just let it go". But, how to get over the physical response that comes along with being spoken to in such a way?

Then I remembered that Zok is home; TODAY!
With everything my life has been comprised of, all the events and trials, so much of my pleasure is involved with eating.
No, not eating per say, meal time. Hanging out together, playing cards or four-in-a-row.
I can't pinpoint why this is, not to be able to express the feeling well.
Some sense of, not having to hurry, of being able to talk over the thoughts in my head, to hear Zok laugh away my random bits of insanity or drama.
I really need some of that about now.

1 comment:

Monte Means said...

I like this selection of pictures because we get to see Sanchez before conception, nascent Sanchez, and Sanchez gone wild.

Here's hoping there is Yummy Tofu and pies in your near future.