Thursday, October 8, 2009

"Let me hear you balalaika's ringing out Come and keep your comrade warm "

Zok spent the day framing two prints that he bought when he was on tour in Russia. He and the band went to a market, where there was haggling, Zok is very happy when he gets to haggle. There was an added bonus of the fact that the Russian language is based on a Cyrillic alphabet. This means that the Macedonian and Russian languages share some commonalities, for example numbers. Therefore, Zok was able to really haggle with force.
If you were to come over, he would tell you how the posters started out at 10,000 roubles each but he got them for 2,000.
I love that he framed them himself, with bits found at the tip shop because when I first knew him, he had never considered shopping at a thrift store (op shop).
"Why buy something used when the stores are filled with new items"?
Over the years I have changed his perspective or perhaps this is just an example of compromise, just like the fact that we have a large, flat, television.
Which I must admit comes in handy as most movies we watch come as a DVD, and not a theater release.
We just watched 'Red Cliff', which Zok was able to get in Asia. I like to think of this movie as the Chinese Lord of the Rings. The version we saw was about six hours and when the movie ended, I was disappointed that there wasn't another disc. I loved the movie, although even our large television did not do the movie justice and if you can view this in the theater, then do so.


Monte Means said...

Nice prints!

Jennifer Gallucci said...

I'm so happy to have caught up on your "Zok has returned" posts. All seems right in the world for me now. Welcome home Zok! Thanks for feeding my lady.

K104 said...

Love to see your DVD "chinese lord of the rings" while you are away. K104. Have a good time.