Sunday, October 11, 2015

"...and living at night isn't helping my complexion..."

I missed seeing this before daylight savings time happened, as usual my head forgets that here in October we 'spring forward' and I was caught completely by surprise. 

and yet...

I arrived in the last fifteen minutes of the display, on a cold night (just the day before we were having warm nights)- The colors cycle through not quickly but not really slowly either- I thought they might sort of fade one into another- but it was more like each color cycled through it's own intensity.
I was the only one there.
The pavilion by itself is really cool- the way the stone benches are arranged, and all the angles.
I will go out of my way to see something else there.
The artist responsible for this exhibit is James Turrell who was born in one of my favorite places- Pasadena, California.



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