Sunday, October 4, 2015

"...I have created a force field and I hope no one breaks it..."

Oh foolish girl, wasting time worrying in advance, only to find that all events went well...
This was my last week, Zok is here with F & W and the shows (except for Tasmania but more on that later) went better than expected.
I went to two and was impressed by how quickly and thoroughly the crowd was taken over- and by how well the band did this whether there were 200 or 20 (real numbers) in the room.

Meanwhile at the house there has been nothing happening except laughter, movies, reading, writing, talking and just plain good manners all around.
Color me impressed.

My illusions that Hobart has become a cultural hub or at least a town that is willing to take a chance and get out to shows has been shattered.
I suppose the MONA "effect" as the press dubs it (or maybe MONA itself) doesn't exactly cross over to all things international...
I thought we gave it a good go, there was a bit of radio play and promotion- postering and the like but all I heard was about how 'ahhh yeah well the grand final was on' and 'So cool you guys played here, no one ever does...'. I would only recommend international acts playing through a festival still.

Last day of a full house.
Then weeks of an empty one.
Such is the life.
Big things happening though... 

 In order to not say anything else negative about my adopted home (one of my) here is a photo of my shoes which I think were quite positive.


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