Thursday, March 9, 2017

Into the wilds go the house cat and the alley cat.

As we were displaced for about nine days, and also had a concurring opportunity to volunteer up around Soldiers Beach, on Maria Island- we decided to give tent camping a try.  We lucked into beautiful spots up where my dear neighbour took me (six!) years ago.
We had good weather, hot for Tasmania but when you are camp on the edge of various beautiful beaches, the heat can be nice.  Our state is a bit of a geological wonder- so we get white sand beaches, pink sand beaches, beaches ringed with bright orange rocks, and we even went out and saw a beach with dark red rocks.

Campsite #1, pink rocks and clear, clear water.
To be fair...Tasmanias' tourism boom can definitely be felt, there are more and more tour operators, and one morning we had a drone flying over our tent.

 Campsite # 2

 Campsite # 3, I love the imprint between the wallaby feet from its tail.

Last Campsite hours from Darlington, Maria Island.

We did have one night inside as 'someone' caught a cold as soon as we left (I have decided he might be a 'house' cat), I managed to stay well until I got home, but today, day 3 home and I am miserable.  We need to unpack, but our first 2 days home were so busy and I think mentally I knew at least we were moved back in, so I can't seem to do much today, or for very long.
I love camping, but I do also love electricity.
I think we might be destined for a camper-trailer.

The weather is still hot, and I love time in the ocean, but we leave for snow in less than 2 weeks.  I suppose a nice snowfall will set off my tan...

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