Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Christmas Yule Egg Nogg

There isn't any 'egg nog' that I can find in Australia.
(What I truly miss is the Silk soy version of Egg Nog).
There is 'Brandy Custard' which I think...well I have seen it poured on fruit mince pies (which are actually quite tasty). I think the version they sell in the chain market stores is probably like any supermarket version- over processed and a bit scary. Sometimes I think I want to make egg nog. I suppose this is a symptom of my insanity brought on by the lack of Christmas here.
Of course my small corner is decorated- but between the demands of the garden, the long day light hours, and my bare feet next to the open door, I have a feeling of...well of being a crazy person who decorates for Christmas in the middle of June.
Thankfully my math ability is lacking because the egg nog recipe in my cocktail book (printed in 1935) is this:
1 dozen eggs
1 pinch baking soda
6 oz. imported rum
2 pounds of sugar
1 quart of milk
1 quart of sweet cream
2 quarts of Rye or Bourbon Whiskey
Mix yolks and whites separately then pour together and add all ingredients.
Set in refrigerator over night.
Serve with grated nutmeg.

I thought I'd be safer out of the kitchen, so I went to the Sunday market for coffee, and since I was already outside, I decided to try to find a new wild area I haven't been to yet.
I am not very good with maps, so I usually only find places when I have so much time on my hands that I am too bored not to keep looking.
I actually found the street mentioned- easily enough but then I walked for about forty minutes to find the actually area.
The houses in the area were shocking, large pieces of land, with massive houses, accented with stone columns, and stone lions and of course the ever present trampoline. Not a single house looked as if there was any thought to placement, or environment. It was depressing.
I walked the shoreline, and up to the main road with no luck. I had almost given up when I saw a pathway, the type here that is a short cut through a neighborhood, only this neighborhood didn't have any stores, to short cut too, so I assumed the wild area must be in deeper.
I wasn't disappointed when I did find the area. It was overgrown which I have come to respect because less disturbance by the council seems to equal more animals and less people. Of course snakes are harder to spot on an over grown trail, but I saw an echdina and a bandicoot after sitting still for only five minutes. Also there were about three Kookaburra and somehow I believe their cries are protective because if I was a Kingfisher food source, I'd surely hide until they flew away.

My wander was cut short by Derby- I wasn't going to go to practice due to some disappointment of the previous week, skaters flaking out on meetings, and promises to do certain responsibilities. I had sworn to myself not to put myself out for no actual reason or result.
However the two skaters I am working with to get the Ref squad going had the same idea. Our counter part from the other league shouldn't be responsible for our sessions and my fellow CCR skater just wasn't going- so it seemed that I had too. I tried calling some new committee members to see if the session was at least planned out, but no one was around, and the two I did reach also were not attending.
So I rushed back, sent a last minute email to Refs to let them know there probably wouldn't be enough skaters attending for them to be able to train (which was good as only 5 skaters showed up). There wasn't a session planned, or anyone that seemed to care about that. So I butted in and started some drills-but that is how I felt, as if I was just butting in.
I think I felt this more when I realized the small group was going out afterwards but not no one had invited me. Which actually, honestly, makes me laugh a bit.
I suppose there is a new years resolution in there somewhere...
Tonight is the last night of training before the xmas break. Perhaps I can sort out how to better place my energies.


Monte Means said...

The notion of not asking you - of all people - out, seems unfathomable!

Years ago I had a friend on Vashon who made eggnog every Christmas. It was the best (and strongest) stuff I've ever had. I think you should give it a go.

Colleen said...

I think I've turned into something...I remember when I first started working at Soapplant and in retrospect the 'older' people there were incredibly cool but I didn't get it...40s with no religion/work/kids is a rock and a hard place socially.

Anonymous said...

A DOZEN EGGS! That's your whole year's worth right there.